amd-utils / queryString

Utilities for query string manipulation.

Table of Contents #

contains(url, paramName):Boolen #

Checks if query string contains parameter.


  1. url (String) : URL or query string.
  2. paramName (String) : Parameter name.


var url = '';
contains(url, 'lorem'); // true
contains(url, 'foo');   //false

decode(queryStr[, shouldTypecast]):Object #

Parses query string and creates an object of keys => vals.

Will typecast value with string/typecast by default and decode string parameters using decodeURIComponent().

var query = '?foo=bar&lorem=123';
decode(query);        // {foo: "bar", lorem: 123}
decode(query, false); // {foo: "bar", lorem: "123"}

encode(obj):String #

Encode object into a query string.

Will encode parameters with encodeURIComponent().

encode({foo: "bar", lorem: 123}); // "?foo=bar&lorem=123"

getParam(url, param[, shouldTypecast]):* #

Get query parameter value.

Will typecast value with string/typecast by default.

See: setParam()


  1. url (String) : Url.
  2. param (String) : Parameter name.
  3. [shouldTypecast] (Boolean) : If it should typecast value.


var url = '';
getParam(url, 'dolor');        // "amet"
getParam(url, 'lorem');        // 123
getParam(url, 'lorem', false); // "123"

parse(url[, shouldTypecast]):Object #

Parses URL, extracts query string and decodes it.

It will typecast all properties of the query object unless second argument is false.

Alias to: decode(getQuery(url)).

var url = '';
parse(url);        // {lorem: "ipsum", a: 123}
parse(url, false); // {lorem: "ipsum", a: "123"}

getQuery(url):String #

Gets full query as string with all special chars decoded.

getQuery(''); // "?lorem=ipsum"

setParam(url, paramName, value):String #

Add new query string parameter to URL or update existing value.

See: getParam()

setParam('?foo=bar&lorem=0', 'lorem', 'ipsum'); // '?foo=bar&lorem=ipsum'
setParam('?lorem=1', 'foo', 123); // '?lorem=1&foo=123'

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